Class BIMac

Class Documentation

class BIMac

A class which maintains our uncertainty over the true IMac model.

This class maintains a Beta distribution for each transition at each grid cell.

See also



  • _alphaEntry: The matrix of alpha parameters for the lambda_entry parameter (free->occupied)

  • _betaEntry: The matrix of beta parameters for the lambda_entry parameter (free->occupied)

  • _alphaExit: The matrix of alpha parameters for the lambda_exit parameter (occupied->free)

  • _betaExit: The matrix of beta parameters for the lambda_exit parameter (occupied->free)

  • _alphaInit: The matrix of alpha parameters for the Pr(occupied at time 0) parameter, i.e. the initial state distribution

  • _betaInit: The matrix of beta parameters for the Pr(occupied at time 0) parameter, i.e. the initial state distribution

Public Functions

inline BIMac(int x, int y)

This constructor initialises all matrices to be full of ones.

  • x – The length of the x dimension of the grid map (num cols)

  • y – The length of the y dimension of the grid map (num rows)

inline BIMac(const std::filesystem::path &inDir)

This constructor reads a BIMac config in from file.


inDir – The directory where the BIMac files are stored

std::shared_ptr<IMac> posteriorSample()

Take a posterior sample from BIMac to get a single IMac instance.


A shared ptr to an IMac instance

std::shared_ptr<IMac> mle()

Compute the MLE given the observed data.

Given how BiMac is initialised, this corresponds to computing the mode of each beta distribution.


A shared ptr to an IMac instance

std::shared_ptr<IMac> posteriorMean()

Compute the posterior mean given the observed data.

As the + 1 part is already in the beta distribution, its just: alpha/(alpha + beta)


A shared ptr to an IMac instance

void updatePosterior(const std::vector<BIMacObservation> &observations)

Update the BIMac posterior given a new set of observations.


observations – A list of BIMacObservations

void writeBIMac(const std::filesystem::path &outDir)

Write BiMac matrices out to file.


outDir – The directory to write the BIMac matrices to