Class CoverageState

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public despot::State

Class Documentation

class CoverageState : public despot::State

State of Coverage POMDP. Contains robot position, the time, the map, and the covered cells


  • robotPosition: The robot’s position

  • time: The current time

  • map: The current map

  • covered: The set of covered cells

Public Functions

inline CoverageState()
inline ~CoverageState()
inline CoverageState(const GridCell &curPosition, const int &curTime, const Eigen::MatrixXi &curMap, const std::set<GridCell> &curCovered, const double &particleWeight, const int &id = -1)

Constructor initialises fields.

  • curPosition – The robot’s current position

  • curTime – The current time step

  • curMap – The curent state of the map

  • curCovered – The robot’s current covered set

  • particleWeight – The weight if the state is a particle

  • id – The state’s id (default -1)

std::string text() const

Produces a string description of a state.


A string descibing the state.

Public Members

GridCell robotPosition = {}
int time = {}
Eigen::MatrixXi map = {}
std::set<GridCell> covered = {}