Class CoveragePOMDP

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public despot::DSPOMDP

Class Documentation

class CoveragePOMDP : public despot::DSPOMDP

POMDP model for coverage planning problems under spatio temporal uncertainty.


  • _memory_pool: A memory pool for allocating CoverageStates

  • _fov: A vector of GridCells relative to the robot’s position which capture its FOV.

  • _imac: The IMac instance used for planning

  • _beliefSampler: The IMac belief sampler used for the simulator

  • _timeBound: The planning horizon in timesteps

Public Functions

inline CoveragePOMDP(const std::vector<GridCell> &fov, std::shared_ptr<IMac> imac, int timeBound)

Constructor initialises members.

  • fov – The robot’s field of view as a vector of grid cells relative to the robot’s position

  • imac – The IMac instance used for planning

  • timeBound – The planning horizon in timesteps

bool Step(despot::State &state, double random_num, despot::ACT_TYPE action, double &reward, despot::OBS_TYPE &obs) const

The deterministic simulative model for the POMDP. Avoids enumerating the whole POMDP, which is huge.

  • state – The current state of the system (assumed known). Should be updated with the successor state

  • random_num – A single random number which should dictate the successor state and observation

  • action – The action to be executed

  • reward – The reward value. Should be updated with current step’s reward

  • obs – The current observation. Should be updated with current step’s observation


True if the successor state is a terminal state

int NumActions() const

Returns the number of actions. Makes the assumption that all actions are enabled at each state (not ideal).

TODO: In the future, see if I can extend this to be dependent on the state of belief


The number of executable actions

double ObsProb(despot::OBS_TYPE obs, const despot::State &state, despot::ACT_TYPE action) const

Return the probability of observing obs given we took action and reached state.

  • obs – The latest observation

  • state – The state we ended up at after executing action

  • action – The action executed


The probability of making the observation

despot::Belief *InitialBelief(const despot::State *start, std::string type = "DEFAULT") const

Return the initial belief, which corresponds to the initial IMac belief.

  • start – A (partial) initial state, e.g. the robot’s initial position

  • type – A parameter which allows to specify the type of the belief


The initial belief

double GetMaxReward() const

Returns the maximal immediate reward.


The maximum immediate reward

despot::ValuedAction GetBestAction() const

Returns (a, v), where a is an action with largest minimum reward when it is executed, and v is its minimum reward, that is, a = \max_{a’} \min_{s} R(a’, s), and v = \min_{s} R(a, s) (copied from superclass as I can’t explain it better).


The action with the largest minimum reward

despot::ScenarioUpperBound *CreateScenarioUpperBound(std::string name = "DEFAULT", std::string particleBoundName = "DEFAULT") const

Override to allow for MaxCellsUpperBound.

  • name – Name of the upper bound

  • particleBoundName – Name of the base ParticleUpperBound


The upper bound

despot::ParticleLowerBound *CreateParticleLowerBound(std::string name = "DEFAULT") const

Override to allow for ZeroParticleLowerBound.


name – Name of the particle lower bound


The particle lower bound

despot::ScenarioLowerBound *CreateScenarioLowerBound(std::string bound_name = "DEFAULT", std::string particleBoundName = "DEFAULT") const

Override to allow for GreedyCoverageDefaultPolicy.

  • name – Name of the lower bound

  • particleBoundName – Name of the ParticleLowerBound to be used

void PrintState(const despot::State &state, std::ostream &out = std::cout) const

Prints a state.

  • state – The state to print

  • out – The stream to write the state to

void PrintObs(const despot::State &state, despot::OBS_TYPE obs, std::ostream &out = std::cout) const

Prints an observation.

  • state – The current state

  • obs – The latest observation

  • out – The stream to write the observation to

void PrintAction(despot::ACT_TYPE action, std::ostream &out = std::cout) const

Prints an action.

  • action – The action to print

  • out – The stream to write the action to

void PrintBelief(const despot::Belief &belief, std::ostream &out = std::cout) const

Prints a belief.

  • belief – The belief to print

  • out – The stream to write the belief to

despot::State *Allocate(int state_id = -1, double weight = 0) const

Allocate a state using the memory pool.

  • state_id – The state’s ID

  • weight – The weight of the allocated state


A pointer to the newly allocated state

despot::State *Copy(const despot::State *state) const

Copy a state.


state – The state to copy


A pointer to the state copy

void Free(despot::State *state) const

Deallocate a state in the memory pool.


state – The state to deallocate

int NumActiveParticles() const

Returns the number of allocated particles (sampled states). All examples set this to the number of particles in the memory pool.


The number of active particles