Class CoverageBelief

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public despot::Belief

Class Documentation

class CoverageBelief : public despot::Belief

A class representing beliefs for coverage planning problems.

In a CoverageState, the position, time, and covered locations are known. But the map is uncertain. This class captures the belief using IMac.


  • _robotPosititon: The robot’s position

  • _time: The current time

  • _covered: The locations covered by the robot

  • _mapBelief: A distribution over the occupancy map

  • _imac: The IMac model

  • _fov: The robot’s FOV represented as a vector of GridCells relative to the

  • robot’s position

  • _beliefSampler: A pointer to an IMacBeliefSampler object required for sampling

Public Functions

inline CoverageBelief(const despot::DSPOMDP *model, const GridCell &initPos, const int &initTime, const std::set<GridCell> &initCovered, const Eigen::MatrixXd &initBelief, std::shared_ptr<IMac> imac, const std::vector<GridCell> &fov)

Initialise all attributes (call superclass constructor with nullptr).

  • model – The POMDP model containing the memory pool

  • initPos – The robot’s initial position

  • initTime – The initial time

  • initCovered – The initially covered vertices

  • initBelief – The initial map belief

  • imac – The IMac model used for planning

  • fov – The robot’s FOV as a vector of relative grid cells

inline ~CoverageBelief()
std::vector<despot::State*> Sample(int num) const

Sample a number of states from the IMac model.


num – Number of states to be sampled


a vector of sampled states

void Update(despot::ACT_TYPE action, despot::OBS_TYPE obs)

Update the belief. Runs a step through the IMac model, and sets the observations in the map.

  • action – The action taken in the last step

  • obs – The observation received in the last step

std::string text() const

Convert belief into a string.


The belief as a string

despot::Belief *MakeCopy() const

Make a copy of the belief.


A copy of this

Eigen::MatrixXd getMapBelief() const

Return the occupancy map belief.


The occupancy map belief