Class GreedyCoverageDefaultPolicy

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public despot::DefaultPolicy

Class Documentation

class GreedyCoverageDefaultPolicy : public despot::DefaultPolicy

A default policy which greedily chooses action based on immediate reward.

Attributes: As in superclass, plus:

  • _ imacEntry: The IMac entry matrix

  • _imacExit: The IMac exit matrix

Public Functions

inline GreedyCoverageDefaultPolicy(const despot::DSPOMDP *model, despot::ParticleLowerBound *particleLowerBound, std::shared_ptr<IMac> imac)

Constructor initialises attributes.

  • model – The POMDP

  • particleLowerBound – A lower bound on the cumulative reward

  • imac – An IMac instance

despot::ACT_TYPE Action(const std::vector<despot::State*> &particles, despot::RandomStreams &streams, despot::History &history) const

Function greedily chooses an action weighted on the particles.

  • particles – The states at the head (latest?) of the scenarios

  • streams – Random streams attached to the scenarios

  • history – The current action-observation history