
class as2fm.scxml_converter.scxml_entries.scxml_ros_action_server.RosActionAcceptGoal(interface_decl: str | RosDeclaration, fields: List[RosField], additional_args: Dict[str, str] | None = None)

Bases: RosTrigger

Object representing the SCXML ROS Event sent from the server when an action Goal is accepted.

__init__(interface_decl: str | RosDeclaration, fields: List[RosField], additional_args: Dict[str, str] | None = None) None

Constructor of a generic ROS trigger.

  • interface_decl – ROS interface declaration to be used in the trigger, or its name.

  • fields – Name of fields that are sent together with the trigger.

  • additional_args – Additional arguments in the SCXML-ROS tag.


__init__(interface_decl, fields[, ...])

Constructor of a generic ROS trigger.




Convert the object to its plain SCXML version.


Convert the object to an XML element.


Check if all fields are assigned, given the ROS interface definition.


Check if the ROS interface used in the trigger exists.


Check if the ROS entries in the trigger are correctly defined.


Check if the object is valid.


Create an instance of the class from an XML tree.


Get the names of additional arguments in the SCXML-ROS tag.


Get the body of the object.


Get the type of ROS declaration related to the trigger.


Get the event to send.


Get the ID of the object.


Get the parameters to send.


Translate the ROS interface name to a plain scxml event.


XML tag name for the ROS trigger type.


Get the target automata associated to this send event.


Check whether the If entry reads content from the BT Blackboard.

instantiate_bt_events(instance_id, _)

Instantiate the behavior tree events in the send action, if available.



Set the callback executing this trigger for this instance and its children.


Set the target automata associated to this send event.


Update the values of potential entries making use of BT ports.

as_plain_scxml(ros_declarations: ScxmlRosDeclarationsContainer) ScxmlSend

Convert the object to its plain SCXML version.

as_xml() Element

Convert the object to an XML element.

check_fields_validity(_) bool

Check if all fields are assigned, given the ROS interface definition.

check_interface_defined(ros_declarations: ScxmlRosDeclarationsContainer) bool

Check if the ROS interface used in the trigger exists.

check_valid_ros_instantiations(ros_declarations: ScxmlRosDeclarationsContainer) bool

Check if the ROS entries in the trigger are correctly defined.

check_validity() bool

Check if the object is valid.

classmethod from_xml_tree(xml_tree: Element) RosTrigger

Create an instance of the class from an XML tree.

  • xml_tree – XML tree to be used for the creation of the instance.

  • additional_args – Additional arguments to be parsed from the SCXML-ROS tag.

static get_additional_arguments() List[str]

Get the names of additional arguments in the SCXML-ROS tag.


Get the body of the object.

static get_declaration_type() Type[RosActionServer]

Get the type of ROS declaration related to the trigger.

Examples: RosServiceClient, RosActionClient, …

get_event() str

Get the event to send.

get_id() str

Get the ID of the object.

get_params() List[ScxmlParam]

Get the parameters to send.

get_plain_scxml_event(ros_declarations: ScxmlRosDeclarationsContainer) str

Translate the ROS interface name to a plain scxml event.

static get_tag_name() str

XML tag name for the ROS trigger type.

get_target_automaton() str | None

Get the target automata associated to this send event.

has_bt_blackboard_input(bt_ports_handler: BtPortsHandler)

Check whether the If entry reads content from the BT Blackboard.

instantiate_bt_events(instance_id: int, _) List[ScxmlSend]

Instantiate the behavior tree events in the send action, if available.

set_callback_type(cb_type: CallbackType)

Set the callback executing this trigger for this instance and its children.

set_target_automaton(target_automaton: str) None

Set the target automata associated to this send event.

update_bt_ports_values(bt_ports_handler: BtPortsHandler)

Update the values of potential entries making use of BT ports.