Autonomous Systems to Formal Models (AS2FM)
This is the documentation of the AS2FM tools from the CONVINCE project’s toolchain. Besides illustrative tutorials on how to use the provided scripts, their API is documented to foster contributions from users outside of the core project’s team.
The purpose of the provided components is to convert all specifications of components of the robotic system under investigation into a format which can be given as input to model checkers for verifying the robustness of the system functionalities.
As a first toolchain component, we provide a Python script to convert models describing the system and its environment together, given in the CONVINCE robotics JANI flavor as specified in the data model repository, into plain JANI, accepted as input by model checkers. A tutorial on how to use the conversion can be found in the tutorial section.
The second part of the provided toolchain components centers around system specifications given in SCXML and how to convert them into a plain JANI file for model checking. We expect that a full robotic system and the information needed for model checking consists of:
one or multiple ROS nodes in SCXML,
the environment model in SCXML,
the Behavior Tree in XML,
the plugins of the Behavior Tree leaf nodes in SCXML,
the property to check in temporal logic, currently given in JANI, later support for XML will be added.
We offer a push-button solution for the full bundle conversion of all of those input files into one model-checkable plain JANI model. A tutorial on how to use the conversion script can be found in the tutorial section.