
Definition of SCXML Tags that can be part of executable content


add_targets_to_scxml_send(exec_body, ...)

For each ScxmlSend in the body, generate instances containing the target automaton.

append_execution_body_to_xml(xml_parent, ...)

Append an execution body to an existing XML element.

as_plain_execution_body(exec_body, ...)

Convert the execution body to plain SCXML.


Create an execution body from an XML tree.


Create an execution entry from an XML tree.

has_bt_blackboard_input(exec_body, bt_ports_info)

Check if any entry in the execution body requires reading from the blackboard.

instantiate_exec_body_bt_events(exec_body, ...)

Instantiate the behavior tree events in the execution body.


Check if al entries in the exec body are plain scxml.

set_execution_body_callback_type(exec_body, ...)

Set the callback type for the provided execution body.

update_exec_body_bt_ports_values(exec_body, ...)

Update the BT ports values in the execution body.


Check if an execution body is valid.


Check if the type of the entries in an execution body are valid.


ScxmlAssign(location, expr)

This class represents a variable assignment.

ScxmlIf(conditional_executions[, else_execution])

This class represents SCXML conditionals.

ScxmlSend(event[, params, target_automaton])

This class represents a send action.