
class as2fm.scxml_converter.scxml_entries.scxml_ros_action_client.RosActionHandleGoalResponse(action_client: str | RosActionClient, accept_target: str, reject_target: str)

Bases: ScxmlTransition

SCXML object representing the handler of an action response upon a goal request.

A server might accept or refuse a goal request, based on its internal state. This handler is meant to handle both acceptance or refusal of a request. Translating this to plain-SCXML, it results to two conditional transitions.

__init__(action_client: str | RosActionClient, accept_target: str, reject_target: str) None

Initialize a new RosActionHandleGoalResponse object.

  • action_client – Action client used by this handler, or its name.

  • accept_target – State to transition to, in case of goal acceptance.

  • reject_target – State to transition to, in case of goal refusal.


__init__(action_client, accept_target, ...)

Initialize a new RosActionHandleGoalResponse object.



For each "ScxmlSend" entry in the transition body, add the automata receiving the event.


Append a executable body entry if this has only one target.


Convert the object to its plain SCXML version.


Convert the object to an XML element.


Check if the ros instantiations have been declared.


Check if the object is valid.


Check if the children of the ScxmlTransition contain ScxmlTransitionTarget tags.


Create a RosServiceServer object from an XML tree.


Get the body of the object.


Return the condition required to execute this transition (if any).


Return the events that trigger this transition (if any).


Get the ID of the object.


Get the tag name of the XML element.


Return all targets belonging to this transition.


This can not have a body, so it can not have BT blackboard input.

instantiate_bt_events(_, __)

Instantiate the BT events of this transition.


Check if the transition is a plain scxml entry and contains only plain scxml.


Loads all transition targets contained in the transition-like tags.

make_single_target_transition(target[, ...])

Generate a "traditional" transition with exactly one target.


Set the targets of the transition.


Set the thread ID for the executable entries of this transition.


Update the values of potential entries making use of BT ports.

add_targets_to_scxml_sends(events_to_targets: Dict[str, Set[str]])

For each “ScxmlSend” entry in the transition body, add the automata receiving the event.

append_body_executable_entry(exec_entry: ScxmlAssign | ScxmlIf | ScxmlSend)

Append a executable body entry if this has only one target.

If this transition has not exactly one target, this will raise an AssertionError.

as_plain_scxml(ros_declarations: ScxmlRosDeclarationsContainer) List[ScxmlTransition]

Convert the object to its plain SCXML version.

as_xml() Element

Convert the object to an XML element.

check_valid_ros_instantiations(ros_declarations: ScxmlRosDeclarationsContainer) bool

Check if the ros instantiations have been declared.

check_validity() bool

Check if the object is valid.

static contains_transition_target(xml_tree: Element) bool

Check if the children of the ScxmlTransition contain ScxmlTransitionTarget tags.

static from_xml_tree(xml_tree: Element) RosActionHandleGoalResponse

Create a RosServiceServer object from an XML tree.


Get the body of the object.

get_condition() str | None

Return the condition required to execute this transition (if any).

get_events() List[str]

Return the events that trigger this transition (if any).

get_id() str

Get the ID of the object.

static get_tag_name() str

Get the tag name of the XML element.

get_targets() List[ScxmlTransitionTarget]

Return all targets belonging to this transition.

has_bt_blackboard_input(_) bool

This can not have a body, so it can not have BT blackboard input.

instantiate_bt_events(_, __) List[RosActionHandleGoalResponse]

Instantiate the BT events of this transition.

is_plain_scxml() bool

Check if the transition is a plain scxml entry and contains only plain scxml.

classmethod load_transition_targets_from_xml(xml_tree: Element) List[ScxmlTransitionTarget]

Loads all transition targets contained in the transition-like tags.

static make_single_target_transition(target: str, events: List[str] | None = None, condition: str | None = None, body: List[ScxmlAssign | ScxmlIf | ScxmlSend] | None = None)

Generate a “traditional” transition with exactly one target.

  • target – The state transition goes to. Required (unlike in SCXML specifications)

  • events – The events that trigger this transition.

  • condition – The condition guard to enable/disable the transition

  • body – Content that is executed when the transition happens

set_targets(new_targets: List[ScxmlTransitionTarget])

Set the targets of the transition.

Additionally, calculates potentially remaining probabilities and checks they sum to one.

set_thread_id(thread_id: int) None

Set the thread ID for the executable entries of this transition.

update_bt_ports_values(_) None

Update the values of potential entries making use of BT ports.