Template Class ExplorationInformation

Class Documentation

template<typename StateType, typename ValueType>
class ExplorationInformation

Class holding information about the explored states.

Template Parameters:
  • StateType – variable type for state and action identifiers

  • ValueType – variable type for the results (e.g. Rewards)

Public Types

typedef state_properties::StateInfoType StateInfoType
typedef StateType ActionType
typedef std::unordered_map<StateType, StateInfoType> StateInfoMap
typedef std::unordered_map<StateType, storm::generator::CompressedState> IdToStateMap
typedef IdToStateMap::const_iterator const_iterator
typedef std::vector<std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<StateType, ValueType>>> MatrixType

Public Functions

ExplorationInformation(const bool store_expanded_states)

Constructor for the ExplorationInformation class.


store_expanded_states – If true, the class will store all expanded raw states in memory

const storm::generator::CompressedState &getCompressedState(const StateType &state) const

Return the compressed state associated to the input state id.


state – the ID of the requested compressed state


A compressed state

const_iterator findUnexploredState(const StateType &state) const
const_iterator unexploredStatesEnd() const
void removeUnexploredState(const_iterator it)
void addUnexploredState(const StateType &state_id, const storm::generator::CompressedState &compressed_state)
void assignStateToRowGroup(const StateType &state, const ActionType &row_group)
StateType assignStateToNextRowGroup(const StateType &state)
StateType getNextRowGroup() const
void newRowGroup(const ActionType &action)
void newRowGroup()
void terminateCurrentRowGroup()
void moveActionToBackOfMatrix(const ActionType &action)
StateType getActionCount() const
size_t getNumberOfUnexploredStates() const
size_t getNumberOfDiscoveredStates() const
const StateType &getRowGroup(const StateType &state) const
const StateType &getUnexploredMarker() const
bool isUnexplored(const StateType &state) const
bool isTerminal(const StateType &state) const

Check if the input state does not need to be expanded further States that are not to expand are: VERIFY_PROPERTY, BREAK_CONDITION, IS_TERMINAL.


state – The ID of the state we need to check


true if the state is final, false otherwise

StateInfoType getStateInfo(const StateType &state) const

Return the StateInfo of the input state (if available)


state – The ID of the state we are evaluating


Optionally, the StateInfo assigned to a specific state

const ValueType &getStateReward(const StateType &stateId) const
const ActionType &getStartRowOfGroup(const StateType &group) const
size_t getRowGroupSize(const StateType &group) const
bool onlyOneActionAvailable(const StateType &group) const
void addStateInfo(const StateType &state, const StateInfoType info)

Assign a specific StateInfo to the provided state.

  • state – The ID of the state to mark

  • info – The new label to assign to a specific state: it overwrites.

void addStateReward(const StateType &state_id, const ValueType &state_reward)
void addTerminalState(const StateType &state)

Used for compatibility: assigns the IS_TERMINAL label to the provided state.


state – the ID of the state to mark

std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<StateType, ValueType>> &getRowOfMatrix(const ActionType &row)
const std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<StateType, ValueType>> &getRowOfMatrix(const ActionType &row) const
const ValueType &getActionReward(const ActionType &action_id) const
void addActionsToMatrix(const size_t &count)
void addActionReward(const ActionType &action_id, const ValueType &action_reward)