Template Class StateGeneration

Class Documentation

template<typename StateType, typename ValueType>
class StateGeneration

Class that loads an input model and property to generate states and verify if the input property holds.

Template Parameters:
  • StateType – Variab;e type to identify states and actions

  • ValueType – Variable type of computed results (e.g. rewards)

Public Functions

StateGeneration(const storm::storage::SymbolicModelDescription &model, const storm::logic::Formula &formula, const std::string &reward_model, samples::ExplorationInformation<StateType, ValueType> &exploration_information)

Extension of the constructor above, in case we evaluate Rewards.

  • model – The model to generate the next states from

  • formula – The formula to evaluate on the generated states

  • reward_model – Name of the reward model to use for assigning costs on states and actions. Empty for P properties

  • exploration_information – Structure that keeps track of the already explored states

inline const storm::generator::VariableInformation &getVariableInformation() const

Get the variable information related to the loaded model.


A const reference to the VariableInformation instance

inline bool rewardLoaded() const

Check if a reward model is loaded and therefore it needs to be evaluated.


true if we loaded a reward model, false otherwise

inline size_t getRewardIndex() const

Get the index of the reward model of our interest.


Index matching to the reward model we are evaluating

void load(const storm::generator::CompressedState &state)

Load a compressed state in the NextStateGenerator.


state – The compressed state to load

std::vector<StateType> getInitialStates()

Get the initial states of the loaded model.


A list of state IDs

storm::generator::StateBehavior<ValueType, StateType> expand()

Expand the loaded state to get the next states.


A generator used to access the generated information

void computeInitialStates()
StateType getFirstInitialState() const
std::size_t getNumberOfInitialStates() const
bool isConditionState() const

Check whether the loaded state satisfies the condition formula.


true if the condition formula is satisfied, false otherwise

bool isTargetState() const

Check whether the loaded state satisfies the target formula.


true if the target formula is satisfied, false otherwise

inline size_t getLowerBound() const

Getter for the min amount of steps to compute before checking for target and condition formulae.


The lower bound of the property

inline size_t getUpperBound() const

Getter for the max amount of steps, after which the property is marked as unsatisfied.


The upper bound of the property

inline bool getIsTerminalVerified() const

Flag indicating that a terminal state should be considered as verified, regardless of the target formula.


true if any terminal state that does not break the condition formula is verified, false otherwise