Struct BatchResults

Struct Documentation

struct BatchResults

Object to hold a predefined number of traces results generated from a single thread.

Public Functions

BatchResults() = delete
BatchResults(size_t batch_size, const state_properties::PropertyType prop)

BatchResults constructor.

  • batch_size – The predefined size of each batch

  • prop – The property type we are evaluating (probability or reward), to determine what information to store

inline bool batchIncomplete() const

Check whether we need more samples according to the batch size.


true if the batch contains less elements than the batch size, false otherwise

void addResult(const TraceInformation &res)

Add a new result to the batch.


res – Result from a single trace

BatchStatistics getBatchStatistics() const

Computes the statistics for the current batch and returns them.


The stats for the current batch

inline const size_t &getCount() const

Get a count of the n. of results stored in the batch.


A const reference to the aforementioned counter

void reset()

Reset all members to 0.

Public Members

const size_t batch_size
const state_properties::PropertyType property_type
size_t n_verified = 0U
size_t n_not_verified = 0U
size_t n_no_info = 0U
size_t count = 0U
std::vector<double> rewards
size_t min_trace_length = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()
size_t max_trace_length = 0U
double min_reward = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
double max_reward = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()